Monday, July 14, 2008

Update re: Desmond Tutu Hall

Things are going from bad to worse. Some of the problems facing the hall dwellers over the past two weeks include:
  • Severe shortage of food (TAC is struggling to keep up with the demand, and the Mustafadin foundation's food is unfamiliar to most of the hall dwellers, and is causing diarrhoea)
  • Theft by local officials from the department of housing: Two ladies went into the kitchen at 5am, put all the food donations into black bags, bribed the security guards, and wheeled enough food to feed all 150 people for two days in a trolley. There were a number of witnesses, and the theft has been reported (to their superiors and the police), but nothing has happened.
Then, on 9 July, the police arrived with vans to forcibly remove the (already oft-times displaced) people to the Solomon Mahlangu hall. We received panicked calls from people on the scene, but when there's something strange in your neighbourhood... who're you going to call? The corrupt local officials? The police who're forcing people to move?
... The TAC, of course.
TAC was (as usual) quick to respond, but we lost the battle... there was no choice. TAC facilitated the move, and there are now 200 people at Solomon Mahlangu.

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