Friday, June 6, 2008

Update: 6 June

Desmond Tutu Hall was considerably less overcrowded today, as refugees decamped congested quarters to take full advantage of favorable weather. Coordination between organizations are steadily improving in the Hall. Ikamvanites worked closely with government representatives from the Department of Housing and Mustadafin Foundation to ensure purchased food and toiletries are securely stored in an office, and efficiently disseminated to Hall occupants through the weekend. Recent highlights include:

*Purchased two days worth of chicken, sausages, vegetables, margarine, soaps, lotions, etc. for Hall occupants
* Purchased 150 new mattresses for Hall occupants, as a substitute to the cold concrete floors previously utilized
* Generated a preliminary questionnaire to assess occupant needs, living conditions, and future plans
*Updated database with new data recording additional illnesses and decreasing Hall numbers

Ikamva will continue its partnership with local organizations to provide necessary services and identify remedies to the existing crisis.

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